TE-20 Tractor- all models Model Year TE-20 Tractor with Continental Z-120 petrol engine 1946-1948 TEA-20 Tractor with standard petrol engine 1947-1956 TEB-20 Tractor with Continental Z-120 petrol engine - Narrow 1946-1948 TEC-20 Tractor with Standard petrol engine - Narrow 1948-1956 TED-20 Tractor with Standard V.0.engine 1949-1956 TEE-20 Tractor with Standard V.0. engine- Narrow 1949-1956 TEF-20 Tractor with Standard diesel engine 1951-1956 TEH-20 Tractor with Standard lamp oil engine 1950-1956 TEJ-20 Tractor with Standard lamp oil engine -Narrow 1950-1956 TEK-20 Tractor with Standard petrol engine~Vineyard 1952-1956 TEL-20 Tractor with Standard V.0. engine~Vineyard 1952-1956 TEM-20 Tractor with Standard lamp oil engine-Vineyard 1952-1956 TEP-20 Tractor with Standard petrol engine - Industrial 1952-1956 TER-20 Tractor with Standard V.O. engine- Industrial 1952-1956 TES-20 Tractor with Standard lamp oil engine - Industrial 1952-1956 TET-20 Tractor with Standard diesel engine - Industrial 1952-1956 TEY-20 Tractor with Perkins P3(TA) same a conversion 1955-1956 Serial Numbers and Year of Manufacture (Total built 517,651). 1-315 1946 316-20894 1947 20895-77772 1948 77773-116461 1949 116462-167836 1950 167837-241335 1951 241335-310779 1952 310780-367998 1953 367999-428092 1954 428093-488578 1955 488579-517651 1956 V.O. = Vaporising oil engine (TVO) Lamp oil engine= Zero Octane engine Standard engine= Engine manufactured by the Standard Motor Company
C.A.V.Injection Pump Date Code
Cat linkage sizes
T20 Hydraulic cylinder
Alternator wireing Dia
See this web site for more help http://brianesser.com/technical-information/alternator-wiring-diagrams-and-information/